Margaret Harris
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Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Please note that all articles listed should be available via your library but if you have any difficulty accessing a particular article, please get in touch with me via the 'contact' section of this website. Further details of my publications are available via Researchgate.


'An appreciation of David Billis as a voluntary sector scholar' Voluntary Sector Review 2024 pp1-3, DOI: 

(with C. Milofsky) 'Can Community Organisations be Managed? An Exploration'  Voluntary Sector Review 2022  pp1-12,  DOI:

'Twenty Five Years of VSSN: notes from a Collegiate Birthday Celebration' Voluntary Sector Review First published online: 14 January 2022, DOI: also available from the author here

'Familiar Patterns and New Initiatives: UK Civil Society and Government Initial Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis' Nonprofit Policy Forum Published Ahead of Print 2020, DOI:

(with C. Milofsky) 'Mediating Structures: Their Organization in Civil Society' Nonprofit Policy Forum Published Online ahead of Print: 2019-07-23 | DOI: 

(with H. Miller) 'Working towards gender equality in small and medium-sized third sector organisations: an incremental approach' Voluntary Sector Review 2018, 9,1, 99-110


'UK Civil Society: Changes and Challenges in the Age of New Public Governance and the Marketized Welfare State’ Nonprofit Policy Forum 2018, 8,4, 351-368


(with M. Aiken) 'The ‘Hollowing Out’ of Smaller Third Sector Organisations' Voluntary Sector Review 2017 8,3, 333-342


(with C. Milofsky) 'The Collapse of Intermediate Structures?',  City & Community, 2017, 16,2, 131-13


(with D. Shaw, J. Scully, C. Smith and G. Hieke) 'The Involvement/Exclusion Paradox of Spontaneous Volunteering: New Lessons and Theory from Winter Flood Episodes in England' Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2017, 46,2, 352-371


‘Where did we come from? The Emergence and Early Development of 'Voluntary Sector Studies in the UK’ Voluntary Sector Review 2016, 7,1, 5


'Organizational Challenges of Community Associations: Applying Nonprofit Research to Real-World Problems' Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2015, 44,4 796-813


(with G. Morgan, L. Baker, and R. Moran) ‘The Public Benefit Requirement for Charities in England and Wales: A Qualitative Study of its Impact’ Charity Law and Practice Review 2013, 15, 107-124


'London’s Olympic Ambassadors: A Legacy for Public Policy Implementation? Voluntary Sector Review 2012, 3(3)  577-584


'Nonprofits and Business: Toward a Subfield of Nonprofit Studies’ Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2012, 20(10) 1-11


(with B. Cairns)  Local Cross-Sector Partnerships: Tackling the Challenges Collaboratively'Nonprofit Management and Leadership 2011, 21, 3 311-324


(with P. Young) ‘Building Bridges: The Third Sector responding locally to Diversity’ Voluntary Sector Review 2010 1, 1  41-58


(with P. Young) ‘Developing Community and Social Cohesion through Grassroots Bridge-Building: An Exploration’ Policy and Politics 2009, 37, 4 517-534


(with J. Andrews and H. Cameron) ‘All Change? Managers’ Experience of Organizational Change in Theory and Practice’ Journal of Organizational Change Management 2008, 21, 3, 300-314


(with J. Andrews) 'Postgraduate study and managers’ subsequent work experience: An exploratory evaluation' Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 2008, 1-11 


(with H. Schlappa) 'Hoovering up the Money? Delivering government-funded capacity-building programmes to voluntary and community organisations' Social Policy and Society 2007, 7,2  135-146


(with B. Cairns and R. Hutchison) 'Sharing God’s Love or Meeting Government Goals? Local Churches and Public Policy Implementation'  Policy and Politics 2007, 35, 3  413-432


(with B. Cairns, R. Hutchison and M. Tricker) ‘Improving Performance? The Adoption and Implementation of Quality Systems in UK Nonprofits’ Nonprofit Management and Leadership 2005, 16,2 135-151


(with B. Cairns and R. Hutchison) ‘Community-Wide Planning for Faith-Based Service Provision:  Practical, Policy and Conceptual Challenges’ Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2005, 34, 1 88-109


(with B. Cairns and R. Hutchison) ‘So many tiers, so many agendas, so many pots of money’: The Challenge of Regionalisation for Voluntary and Community Organisations’ Social Policy and Administration 2004, 38, 5  525-540


(with B. Cairns and P. Young) ‘Building the Capacity of the Voluntary Nonprofit Sector: Challenges of Theory and Practice’ International Journal of Public Administration 2005, 28  1-17


(with P. Halfpenny and C. Rochester) ‘An Expanded Role for Faith-Based Organisations? Lessons from the UK Jewish Voluntary Sector’  Journal of Social Policy 2003, 32,1  93-112


(with J. Harris, R. Hutchison and C. Rochester) ‘Merger in the British Voluntary Sector: The Example of HIV/AIDS Agencies’  Social Policy and Administration 2002, 36, 3  291-305


'Civil Society and the Role of UK Churches: An Exploration’ Studies in Christian Ethics 2002  15, 2, 45-59


(with J. Harris) ‘Achieving Organisational Collaboration in the Nonprofit Sector: An Action Research Approach’ Organization Development Journal  2002, 20,1 28-35


'Organising Modern Synagogues: A Case of Multiple Models’ European Judaism 2001, 34, 2 123-131

‘This Charity Business: Who Cares?’ Nonprofit Management and Leadership 2001, 12, 1  95-109


‘The Place of Self and Reflexivity in Third Sector Scholarship: An Exploration’ Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2001, 30, 4  747-760