(with Stephen Miller and Colin Shindler) The Attitudes of British Jews Towards Israel
London: Department of Sociology, City University, November 2015 [See here for press release and full report]
(with Duncan Shaw, Chris Smith, Graham
Heike and Judy Scully) Spontaneous Volunteers: Involving Citizens in the Response and Recovery to Flood and Emergencies:
Final Report FD 2666 London: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), July 2015
'The Door to Knock On': A Research Report about the Jewish Volunteering Network (JVN) Five Years
after its Founding London: Jewish Volunteering Network, August 2013
(with Patricia
Young) ‘Bridging Community Divides: The Impact of Grassroots Bridge-Building Activities’ London: Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR), 2009
This Charity Business
- Who Cares? Inaugural Professorial Lecture, Birmingham: Aston University, 2001
(with Malcolm Torry) Managing
Religious Organisations: A Guide to the Literature, Birmingham: Aston Business School, 2000
God's Work: Challenges for Churches and Synagogues, London: Macmillan, 1998
Edited Book
(with C.
Rochester) (eds) Voluntary Organisations and Social Policy in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice London: Palgrave,
Chapters in Books
‘Afterword’ in Rees, J., Macmillan, R.,Dayson, C., Damm, C. and Bynner,
C. (eds) Covid-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022
'Third Sector Organizations in a Contradictory
Policy Environment' in D.Billis (ed) Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan,
(with Carole Parkes) 'Corporate Responsibility, Ethics and Strategic HRM' in The Aston Centre
for Human Resources Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Research-based Practice London: Chartered Institute
of Personnel and Development, 2008
(with B. Cairns and M. Carroll) ‘Action Research: Professional Researchers
in the Community’ in Milofsky, C. and Cnaan, R. (eds) Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations
NYC: Kluwer, 2006
‘Power in the Local Church’ in H. Cameron, P. Richter, D. Davies and F. Ward
(eds). Studying Local Churches: A Handbook. London: SCM Press 2005
Community: Is the Synagogue doing what is Needed?’ in J. Boyd (ed) The Sovereign and the Situated Self London:
UJIA/Hebrew University, 2003
‘Civil Society and the Role of UK Churches: An Exploration’
in A. Bradstock and P. Murray (eds) Global Capitalism and the Gospel of Justice Durham: Ushaw College, 2001
for Voluntary Organisations in a Changing Social Policy Environment’ in M.Harris and C.Rochester (eds) Voluntary
Organisations and Social Policy in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice London: Palgrave, 2001
Just Subsidiaries of the State?’ in M.Harris and C.Rochester (eds) Voluntary Organisations and Social Policyin Britain:
Perspectives on Change and Choice London: Palgrave, 2001
(with P. Halfpenny
and C. Rochester) ‘Introduction’ to M.Harris and C.Rochester (eds) Voluntary Organisations and Social Policy
in Britain: Perspectives on Change and Choice London: Palgrave, 2001